—Samuel Butler
Do you often wish that your dog knew more than just “sit” and “stay”? I mean, those are the basics, right? Well, that, and “heel”, as any dog walker will tell you! And, really, if they can do those, you're pretty much set. But as I've discovered, some people have waaaaaayyy too much time on their hands, and have taught their dogs to do crazy things. And, let's face it, some dogs are just born crazy! These talents and tricks have landed some pooches in the Guinness Book of World Records. I bet after your Black Friday shopping, you could use a little laugh. So here are some of my favorite dog world records:
Longest Time for a Dog to Lick his Human's Face: So, Shane Prather's dog licked his face for 25 minutes, 27.9 seconds. Now, I enjoy a doggy kiss as much as the next dog lover, but SERIOUSLY?! Shane, you need a hot shower with soap, disinfectant, a scrub brush, and perhaps anti-biotics.
Most Treats Balanced on a Dog's Nose: Alton Bollom, of Cedar Park, Texas, balanced 50 dog treats on his dog Carson's nose. This should be about 10 records in one, in my opinion. Having taken treats to the dog park a zillion times, I have no earthly idea how Alton got Carson to stop sniffing the bag of treats long enough to balance one, let alone 50! When I saw the tower, I immediately thought of “Jenga”, and it turns out Carson is nicknamed the “Jenga dog”. People with opposable thumbs can't keep a Jenga tower from falling, and this dog is balancing it on his nose? Amazing. Alton, after your silly feat is performed, give Carson ALL 50 of those treats. He deserves 'em.
Most Consecutive Times Petting a Dog: James Lasley's dog probably loves him more than anyone else's dog loves their owner; James petted Rascal 500 times in a row. James, you are setting some high expectations, my friend. You'll may have set a record, but each and every time you pet Rascal, he will give you the stink-eye if it's less than 500 times!
Most Times for a Dog to Jump Through a Toop in 30 Seconds: Sarah Newell's dog, Piper, jumped through hoops for her, literally. Piper jumped through a hoop 22 times in 30 seconds. Only a dog would do this for someone they love, am I right?! Watching the video, the person holding the hoop moves the treat back and forth, so Piper is always thinking she's going to get that treat for her jump. That's just mean trickery! She did get the treat at the end, but still.....I cry foul on this one! A treat per trick, y'all.
The Longest Dog Tongue: If you follow Tails Up Pet Care on Facebook (shameless plug intended), then you know that Mochi of Sioux Falls, South Dakota has the longest dog tongue. Mochi's tongue measures a whopping 8 inches long! This would bring a new meaning to the record for the most time having your face licked by a dog! Carla Rickert, Mochi's owner, says although it's exciting to be a world record holder, Mochi's tongue causes her some issues, including some breathing problems and occasional trouble picking things up off the floor. Ah, the price of fame!
World's Tallest Dog: As soon as the words “World's Tallest Dog” came out of my mouth, my oldest daughter exuberantly said, “Zeus!”. She's right. Zeus, a Great Dane, is aptly named, as he is a gargantuan 44 inches long when he is on all 4 legs. When he stands on his hind legs, he is 7 feet 4 inches tall! What are they FEEDING this boy? Well, the answer to that is 30 pounds of dog food a day. Zeus tips the scales at 155 pounds. There goes the grocery budget! I bet his humans live on Ramen noodles and use the grocery bags to pick up dog droppings.
We'll stop there with all of the dog amazing-ness. Now you're looking at your dog and thinking about how they can make you rich and famous with their weird tricks and attributes, right? Well, except for the licking thing. Definitely not that.