“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” -- Anatole France
Black Friday is looming, like a big, creepy, unknown boogie monster that you see in the dark of night while you hide under the covers. I know, I know, say what you REALLY think, right?! But seriously, the thought of it gives me hives. Black Friday is a day when I stay at home, hiding from the throngs of people. It's a “no” for me. But Giving Tuesday......oh, Giving Tuesday. That's another story. Giving Tuesday was started back in 2012 to help counteract some of the buying frenzy madness mentality of Black Friday. It's the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which is November 28th this year. Most people are full of the holiday spirit, and are in the gift-giving mood. Don't mind me, if you read my last blog, you know I'm the exception. Bah, humbug. Moving on. Giving Tuesday is a chance to donate to your favorite cause, whether it's money or time. Obviously, there are tons of great options for giving, and you should give to an organization that you feel does important work. Since I work for a pet-sitting company, I thought I'd give some ideas on animal charities. There are some really amazing animal lovers out there. Get out the tissues.
The Palo Alto Humane Society (PAHS) is definitely on the list for me. They have a Spay/ Neuter fund that spays and neuters homeless animals to help control the homeless animal population. If you want to spay or neuter your animal but are low income, they have financial assistance to help you. From their web site: “PAHS annually underwrites the neutering of 1,000-2,000 animals through our Spay and Neuter Fund.” Furthermore, they have a PET Help program, for assistance with veterinary costs for unexpected and unaffordable medical bills for your furry family members. PAHS does not get government funding, so they depend on donations to keep these programs alive. Color me impressed.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is known to pretty much everyone for their animal advocacy efforts. The ASPCA works to prevent animal homelessness, abuse, cruelty, puppy mills, animal fighting, animal hoarding, and more. They also help build cases against offenders. Interestingly enough, the ASPCA was founded during a time when kindness to animals was not a priority. An American diplomat named Henry Bergh was in Russia and stopped a man from beating his horse, who had fallen. In 1866, Bergh founded the ASPCA, who, in a nutshell, focuses on animal rescue, protection, and placement. They are one of the largest animal advocacy groups in the world. Pretty awe-inspiring.
Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary in San Jose will pull at your heartstrings. They offer sanctuary to homeless, handicapped, abused, and elderly animals. Told you to have the tissues handy, didn't I? They have an “open space facility” where they give these animals medical attention and love in hopes of finding them forever homes. The best part? If the animals don't get adopted, they can live there FOREVER. Safe Haven also works to spay and neuter feral cats and relocate them to safe areas. The humans (all of which are volunteers) that run this place for special needs animals have a special place in my heart for sure. Safe Haven runs solely on donations and fundraisers.
Pets in Need in Redwood City is dedicated to the no-kill movement. When Bay area shelters are overflowing, they rescue animals that are in danger of being euthanized. From their web site, their vision is: “To help create a world in which every adoptable animal finds a loving home.” Can you see their vision? I can. Pets in Need is an open book, with all of their financial information on their web site. Can't afford to give any dough this year? You can also foster an animal in your home. All the heart eyes for Pets In Need.
Furry Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Services is an excellent way to give your time in a meaningful way. Furry Friends is an all-volunteer organization that brings animals to visit nursing homes, hospitals, homes for seriously disabled children, shelters, rehabilitation facilities and the like. The unconditional love and smiles that an animal brings provides healing like no medicine on the market. Furry Friends visits facilities in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties. You can even volunteer with your 12+ year old kiddos. What a beautiful and fun way to teach them the power of giving! I double-dog-dare-you to look at their web site and not want to sign up to be a volunteer.
There are many more deserving organizations, but you get the idea. And if you like Black Friday and are not “Scrooge-y” like me, please ENJOY! Just save some of your cash or time for Tuesday. Happy Holidays!