—Lewis Grizzard
As someone who is continually exposed to dogs, I hear some pretty fantastic and creative dogs names; names that make me truly wish I had thought of them myself. I once met a dog at the park named Journey. Beautiful dog, and how sweet is that name? It got me thinking: We've all heard at one time or another about the...ahem...interesting names that some celebrities have given their kids. Jason Lee named his son Pilot Inspektor. David Duchovny named his kid Kyd. I kid you not (sorry, bad joke). And, the piece d'resistance, Shannyn Sossamon named her baby Audio Science. Clever, creative, a bit wackadoodle, and perhaps a reason to visit the shrink when the kid gets older!
But when it comes to your dog, I think a distinctive name that reminds you of something or someone that makes you smile is a great idea. Back when “The Gilmore Girls” was gracing the screen, the lead character named her adorable sheepdog Paul Anka. You know, Paul Anka sang a song about “puppy love”, so that makes sense. And she NEVER referred to the dog as just Paul. Nope, it was always Paul Anka, and that's what made his name so special and memorable. And while I always love a classic name, if you name your dog Lady Gaga, I bet you will be the only one at Hoover Park calling, “Lady Gaga, fetch!”. Imagine all the fun conversations you'll have about your imaginative name! So, just for fun, I came up with a list of unique dog names and categories for you. Because normal is just the setting on a dryer.
- Emoji. This one came to me instantly. Maybe I am on my phone so much for work and social media that I now think in emojis. But it's totally applicable. Because dogs do make faces, just like we do. On second thought, no one steal this one. My next pet will be named Emoji.
- Sheldon. If you don't watch “The Big Bang Theory” every Thursday night, then you SHOULD. It's hilarious, as is Sheldon, who is one of the characters from the show. If you have a finicky dog breed, this would be the perfect name. I'm smiling just thinking about it.
- Anything Star Wars Related. JarJar Binks. Jedi. HanSolo. Princess Leia. Luke Skywalker. Wookie. Chewbacca. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. No explanation needed. Because, Star Wars.
- Woz. We live in Silicon Valley, and in this age of quick tweets and instantly consumed and forgotten information, we could pay homage to the pioneers of our dominant industries. Woz's partner in crime, Jobs, Captain Crunch, Hewlett (or Packard), so many to choose from.
- Smurf. Okay, so dogs aren't blue, but how funny would it be to have your dog's name be a verb? “Oh, him? He's just smurfing around!” or “My dog is just smurfy today!”. This name is purely for comedic purposes. Betcha can't say you didn't smile.
- The Flash. I like the idea of a dog's name with “The” in front of it. It makes is almost a TITLE. And The Flash is a HERO! Almost any DC or Marvel name wold work. Does your dog like water? Aquaman! Is he a climber? Spiderman! Is he afraid of nothing? Daredevil! The list goes on and on. And it's an amazing list.
- Harry Potter. I think my oldest daughter would admonish me if Harry Potter wasn't on this list. She would also argue that Dr. Who's dog-like robot K-9 should also be included. Choose your favorite character or robot and go with it! I'm personally a fan of the name Hermione for a dog. It just sounds beautiful, proud, and strong.
I could definitely go on further, but you get the idea. I know it's harder to think of a good name when you first get a dog. I mean, the pressure is ON, and you feel like you have to come up with something fast. But give it a day or two, think of what makes you happy, laugh smile, etc.....and then name your dog. I can't wait to hear you calling for him at the park!